早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


1.Excuse me.Did you see( )book on the desk?
Yes,I saw one,but Li Lei said it's( ).
a.the;him b.a;his c.my;one d.a;he
2.Do you have( )brothers( )sisters?
a.any;or b.any;/ c.some;or d.some;and
3.Joe is Sue's husband.Sue is Joe's( ).
a.cousin b.wife c.mother d.uncle
4.What do you want to do,Jill?
I want to( ).
a.has a picnic b.listen to CDs c.going shopping d.went to the libray
5.Class begins at 8:00,and it'8:06 now.We're( ).
a.sorry b.bad c.late d.wrong
6.Dinosaurs lived( )the Earth a long,long time ago.
a.in b.at c.on d.above
7.There( )a lot of new clothes in the wardrobe.
a.am b.is c.be d.are
8.What's the weather( )in Guangzhou?
a.like b.is c.has d.does
9.Would you like something to eat?
Yes,( ).
a.tow piece b.two pieces of breads c.two piece of bread
d.two pieces of bread
10.Mary dropped a book.I( )for her.
a.picked them of breads b.picked up it
c.picked it up d.pickled up them
2.A(这题问你有兄弟或者姐妹吗?所以后面用 or,可以排除B,D,因为是问句,所以用 any)
3.Joe is Sue's husband.Sue is Joe's( B ).
a.cousin b.wife c.mother d.uncle
4.B (want to do something ,后面用动词原形,所以选择B)
5.Class begins at 8:00,and it'8:06 now.We're( C ).
a.sorry b.bad c.late d.wrong
6.Dinosaurs lived( A )the Earth a long,long time ago.
a.in b.at c.on d.above
7.There( are )a lot of new clothes in the wardrobe.
8.What's the weather( A )in Guangzhou?
a.like b.is c.has d.does
9.C (两片面包=two piece of bread)
10.Mary dropped a book.I( C )for her.
(我把book捡起来,单数,所以用 it,
pick sth.up 把……捡起来……)
a.picked them of breads b.picked up it
c.picked it up d.pickled up them