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警告上海市民、国内外来沪人员,千万不要乘坐上海10轻轨/地铁!A Warning,Never take Line 10 Subway!
A Warning:that Shanghai citizens,people coming to Shanghai to go sightseeing or on business trips from home and abroad Never Take Line 10 Subway or Light Rail!
A serious subway trains' head-to-end collision happened to Line 10 Subway,Shanghai,which was shoching and expected.Recently,a chain of accidents or unusual events have occurred to Line 10,which haven't attracted any attention of Shanghai Authorities.What they did was only find various excuses to cover up the truth and to deceive common people.
The nearly 300 passengers were doomed to get injured,so to speak,which was inevitable.What makes difference is when it would happen and which of us would suffer from a potential accident.
It sounds reasonable that the Wenzhou railway accident should have served as a strong reminder to the Shanghai authorities.They should have been alert enough to have completely overhauled and checked all the facilities and equipment,especially,the faulty signal systems.However,have they done that already?
Do the authorities take the lives of common people seriously enough,except that they have been preoccupied with making dirty money?
Do you believe that these corrupted officials are the servants of the people?I don't,anyway!
A Warning:that Shanghai citizens,people coming to Shanghai to go sightseeing or on business trips from home and abroad Never Take Line 10 Subway or Light Rail!
A serious subway trains' head-to-end collision happened to Line 10 Subway,Shanghai,which was shoching and expected.Recently,a chain of accidents or unusual events have occurred to Line 10,which haven't attracted any attention of Shanghai Authorities.What they did was only find various excuses to cover up the truth and to deceive common people.
The nearly 300 passengers were doomed to get injured,so to speak,which was inevitable.What makes difference is when it would happen and which of us would suffer from a potential accident.
It sounds reasonable that the Wenzhou railway accident should have served as a strong reminder to the Shanghai authorities.They should have been alert enough to have completely overhauled and checked all the facilities and equipment,especially,the faulty signal systems.However,have they done that already?
Do the authorities take the lives of common people seriously enough,except that they have been preoccupied with making dirty money?
Do you believe that these corrupted officials are the servants of the people?I don't,anyway!
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