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《League of Legends》什么时候进行测试?《League of Legends》简称LOL,是由美国Roit Games开发,腾讯代理运营的3D即时战略网游。它是由DotA-Allstars原班人马精心打造,将这一经典玩法从对战平台延伸到真正的网络世界的网游巨作。 除了DotA的快节奏,多种策略,团队作战,多样化的英雄选择外,《League of Legends》还拥有可自定义玩家的交互界面;通过网络提供无尽的自由英雄选择;丰富和更加操作简洁的物品合成系统;海量的地图、场景提供不同的游戏乐趣;游戏内置的排行和竞技系统;先进、独特的“召唤”avatar系统等多种丰富的游戏特色。
要等到10月份才发布的,下面是转载自游侠alfred_li 的一些消息 我逛外国网站时无意间看到的,是对一个pes2009测试玩家的采访,让我们一起听听看吧! Ps. 我随便翻的,大家随便看,翻的不好别骂我…………因为我英文很烂,有错漏大家就帮忙补上吧!对了,转载请注明,谢谢! With regards to the gameplay, would you say it resembled PES6 or PES2008, and what aspects differ. 关于这款游戏(PES2009),您是否能说说它跟PES6或者PES2008的异同? The gameplay is PES2008, the way it should have been. You can no longer run straight through everyone with Etoo or Ronaldinho without any effort but you can beat players by running if you time your moves correctly. It is very realistic and the AI in defence and attack is massively improved. 我觉得这款游戏(PES2009)应该才是PES2008真实的模样。在这款游戏中,你没办法再控制着小罗或者埃托奥这类球员在不需要什么操作的情况下一路狂奔,这意味着你必须通过操作,在合适的时机做出合理的动作,才能进行有效的过人和突破。我觉得这是2009非常符合现实的一个地方,同时,电脑AI在防守和进攻方面也有了很大提高。 The refereeing in PES2008 was abysmal, has it got any better? (please elaborate with examples i.e bringing play back etc) 众所周知,PES2008的判罚十分糟糕,在2009中是否有所改进?(举例详细说明) The refereeing is probably the same although the collisions are much better so the decisions are often correct. The diving works better too. Managed to win a pen with an expertly timed dive over a defenders outstretched leg - looked class. 尽管2009在判罚球员因碰撞产生的犯规方面比较准确,但总体来说并没有太大改进。但是假摔却做得不错,当防守队员伸脚后,你可以通过一个老辣的假摔动作骗得点球,这很酷! PES2008 definitely favoured the attacking side with scoring being particularly easy. Is this the case in 2009?