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参考下列单词和短语:half of, most of, a few,
Troubles: too much homework 50%, exam results 80%, good friends arguing 10%, not enough money 5%
Ways to deal with troubles: talk to friends 70%, listen to music15%, talk to parents 5%, read books 5%, play sports 5%
One possible version for writing:
Today we did a survey about the troubles we students face in our class. The results show the problems we have.
When asked about the problems that they have, the majority of students, about 80%, said that they were troubled by the exam results, while about a half of them were constantly haunted by their mass of homework. Only a few students' biggest trouble was about friends or money.
On methods to deal with the troubles, a great number of 70% suggested talking to friends, while a very small number of 5% were intended to talk to parents. For the others, leisure activities like music, books or sports were their special way.
So you see, we students are faced with extremely heavy burden and big problems. We must find a suitable way to deal with it.

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