早教吧作业答案频道 -->其他-->
--------------------------------------------------------------------We are sincerely sorry for the shipment delay.
Recently months we are busy in dealing with plenty of orders from Europe and North America,& all the orders was handled according to receipt time strictly; & with regerett your order was delivered to us with postpone.
However we are glad to inform you that your cargos has been loaded into Vessel Ben.The vessel will depart on sept-17 & arrive in London on Oct-10.We believe you will receive the notification from the carrier soon.
Enclosed pls find a copy of B/L.Pls assist to extend the Validity period of L/C.Thanks!
We hope our further cooperation will be not affected by the postpone of the cargo this time.& we promise that we will do our best to expedite arrangement of future shipments.
In order to smooth our further business,we suggest that your end can place orders,in advance,for the items which will be sold in the Winter.Appreicate your cooments if any.Thank you & have a nice day!
--------------------------------------------------------------------We are sincerely sorry for the shipment delay.
Recently months we are busy in dealing with plenty of orders from Europe and North America,& all the orders was handled according to receipt time strictly; & with regerett your order was delivered to us with postpone.
However we are glad to inform you that your cargos has been loaded into Vessel Ben.The vessel will depart on sept-17 & arrive in London on Oct-10.We believe you will receive the notification from the carrier soon.
Enclosed pls find a copy of B/L.Pls assist to extend the Validity period of L/C.Thanks!
We hope our further cooperation will be not affected by the postpone of the cargo this time.& we promise that we will do our best to expedite arrangement of future shipments.
In order to smooth our further business,we suggest that your end can place orders,in advance,for the items which will be sold in the Winter.Appreicate your cooments if any.Thank you & have a nice day!
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