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大学英语作文 My hometown (包头)
要求用英语写我自己的家乡 (包头)
要求分三段 条理清晰 思路明确 语言组织丰富
要求用英语写我自己的家乡 (包头)
要求分三段 条理清晰 思路明确 语言组织丰富
My hometown is Baotou.It is the biggest city in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region of China.It is a mid-sized industrial city with a popluation of over 2.65 million.The city's Mongolian name means "place with deer",and an alternate name is "Lucheng",meaning the "Deer City".
Baotou is located in the mid-north of China,so you can experience every distinct four seasons here.Temperatures often fall below−15 °C in winter and rise above 30 °C in summer.In spring times,the wind is usually very strong.And due to the aridity and elevation,the temperature can differ a lot bewteen day and night,perticuarlly in spring as well.
Baotou is famous for its mines,especially the Bayan Obo.It is the greatest source of rare earth metal worldwide.Baotou is a terminus for both the Baolan Railway and the Jingbao Railway,heading for Lanzhou in the west and Beijing in the east,respectively.The city is served by two main railway stations,Baotou East Railway Station,and Baotou Railway Station.So it is very convenient to travel to other places from Baotou.
Baotou is located in the mid-north of China,so you can experience every distinct four seasons here.Temperatures often fall below−15 °C in winter and rise above 30 °C in summer.In spring times,the wind is usually very strong.And due to the aridity and elevation,the temperature can differ a lot bewteen day and night,perticuarlly in spring as well.
Baotou is famous for its mines,especially the Bayan Obo.It is the greatest source of rare earth metal worldwide.Baotou is a terminus for both the Baolan Railway and the Jingbao Railway,heading for Lanzhou in the west and Beijing in the east,respectively.The city is served by two main railway stations,Baotou East Railway Station,and Baotou Railway Station.So it is very convenient to travel to other places from Baotou.
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