早教吧作业答案频道 -->其他-->
what makes a happy forign language learner?要求150词左右的口头作文,条理清晰,论证详细,拒绝复制。
To a lot of people,language learning could be tough,especially when it comes to you dont like it. As the old saying goes,interts can be the best teacher. First of all, we should try to love it.But how? Hear is a little tip:try to find a favouite thing suits u in that language.English for example. Like me,I love rock n roll.What I can do is to find a rock n roll idol,appreciating his lyrics while enjoying the melody. Try to follow the lyrics,collect his information,share the love with his native fans. But remeber, try to do all of these in English. Try to appreciate the cultrue and enjoy the atmesphere. Secondly,Reading could be fun as well. Find a book interests you,carrying it anywhere, reading IT anywhere if possible. Circle the words you dont get, guessing the meaning of it first.Try to figure it out while using the dictionary later. These are the methods that you can try to use,happy language learing should be based on the interst.
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