早教吧作业答案频道 -->其他-->
Party B shall not refuse to extend working hours without due cause due to the requirements
of Party A in case that any of the following circumstances met:
to make urgent responses to when natural calamities, accident or other affairs arise and
threaten the employees' health and properties
to rush to repair the production equipments,traffic lines, public facilities in time when
the breakdowns arise and cause harm to the production and public interest
to produce, tansport and operate on the statutory holidays continuously which the work can
not be interrupted
to examine, repair and maintain the equipments on the statutory holidays which the
production is suspended
to accomplish the urgent national defence task
to accomplish the urgent working task assigned by the government
other circustances as stipulated by relevant laws and regulations that the employee shall
extend working time.
Party B shall not refuse to extend working hours without due cause due to the requirements
of Party A in case that any of the following circumstances met:
to make urgent responses to when natural calamities, accident or other affairs arise and
threaten the employees' health and properties
to rush to repair the production equipments,traffic lines, public facilities in time when
the breakdowns arise and cause harm to the production and public interest
to produce, tansport and operate on the statutory holidays continuously which the work can
not be interrupted
to examine, repair and maintain the equipments on the statutory holidays which the
production is suspended
to accomplish the urgent national defence task
to accomplish the urgent working task assigned by the government
other circustances as stipulated by relevant laws and regulations that the employee shall
extend working time.
以上条好像都是要无条件要加班的 平时正常情况 加班在某个一定时间内 其余时间可以拒绝加班
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