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The food smell ------.we can't eat it .please throw it away.
A satly Bdelicious C crispy D sour
A选项是咸的.B是美味的C是脆的D是酸的.给我个正当理由为什么选D不选A .
My brother is two metres from in height.It‘s very difficult to find clothes big enough ——————him、
A about B at Cwith D for
Will you come to the dinner party I won't come unless Jenny ---------
A will be invited Bcanbe invited C invited D is invited
The ----------(annoy)thing is he's usually right.(用所给词适当形式填空)
Can you make a list of the --------(invent)in the past five years (同上)
We have -------up early in order to catch the early bus .
Aused to get B been used get C used for getting Dbeen used to getting
还有一个,额,electricity .额,、
1,smell 是闻上去,嗅觉方面的,咸味不是闻出来的,而sour一词不止有“酸味”的意思,更有馊味、发馊、变质的意思.根据后文“只能扔了”,很明显……
2,enough 后面跟介词短语for sb.或不定式 to do神马的~
3,is invited 因为是条件状语从句,主句用一般将来时,从句用一般现在时表示将来
4,annoying 令人气恼的是,他通常都是对的
annoy vt.使烦恼; 烦扰
如:It annoyed him that model didnt't fit together properly.是他懊恼的是这个样品安装不下.
其相关形容词有:annoying 和annoyed ,例句如下:
The annoying thing is he's usually right.令人气恼的是,他通常都是对的.
She was annoyed that the books were missing .那些书不见了,她很懊恼.)
5,inventions 发明的复数 或者inventors 发明家的复数,我觉得都可以……
6,we have been used to getting up early in order to catch the early bus.
前面的been是be的过去分词形式,所以该句包含的结构是be used to doing,表示(现在)习惯于做某事.
7,electricity 电力、电流的意思,一般统称指“电”