早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
Jane Goodall(1934-),Britain | LinQiaozhi(1901-1983),China | Yuan Longping(1930-), China |
* 动物学家 * 前往非洲研究黑猩猩多年 * 在研究和保护野生动物方面做出巨大贡献 | * 妇科专家 * 致力于妇科疾病的研究 * 在妇产学科方面做出巨大贡献 | * 农业专家 * 致力于杂交水稻研究 * 在消除世界饥饿方面做出巨大贡献 |
Of the three great persons, I would like to choose _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
The Great Person I Admire Of the three great persons, I would like to choose Yuan Longping, an agricultural pioneer of China. It is known that there exists hunger in many countries. To help more people get enough food, Yuan Longping has devoted himself to improving the output of hybrid rice. Thanks to his research, the output has been doubled. More importantly, Yuan Longping is willing to share his achievements with others, which contributes to ridding the world of hunger. As for me, Yuan Longping is the greatest person in the world. It is his devotion that makes him successful and his devotion has inspired me a lot. Actually, I have some difficulty in learning English. However, where there is devotion, there is a way. I really believe that my devotion c an make me expert in English. 答案不唯一 |
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每年东非高原上几十万头角马、斑马等野生动物发生周期性的大迁徙.造成东非高原野生动物大迁徙的根本原因是 2020-12-09 …
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每年东非高原上几十万头角马、斑马等野生动物发生周期性的大迁徙.造成东非高原野生动物大迁徙的根本原因是 2020-12-09 …
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每年东非高原上几十万头角马、斑马等野生动物发生周期性的大迁徙。造成东非高原野生动物大迁徙的根本原因是 2020-12-09 …
每年东非高原上几十万头角马、斑马等野生动物发生周期性的大迁徙。下图为东非野生动物大迁徙路线示意图。读 2020-12-09 …
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