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【摘要】 随着中国市场经济的不断发展,人民生活水平的逐步提高,商品房市场开始繁荣兴盛起来,但与此同时很多问题也就随之出现,其中,不动产业主的法律地位得不到很好的保护便是一个亟待解决的问题,这个问题关系到能否更好地将全体业主组织起来,改变目前业主群体在物业管理中的消极和弱势地位,使物业公司更好地与业主互动并提供更优质的服务.然而,无论是从社会舆论还是从广大不动产业主的切身感受来看,目前中国的业主委员会的生存状况及其作用的发挥都不容乐观.很多住宅区要么就是没有业主委员会,要么就是业主委员会形同虚设,无法切实行使自己的职权.
【关键词】 业主委员会 法律地位 非法人组织
【摘要】 随着中国市场经济的不断发展,人民生活水平的逐步提高,商品房市场开始繁荣兴盛起来,但与此同时很多问题也就随之出现,其中,不动产业主的法律地位得不到很好的保护便是一个亟待解决的问题,这个问题关系到能否更好地将全体业主组织起来,改变目前业主群体在物业管理中的消极和弱势地位,使物业公司更好地与业主互动并提供更优质的服务.然而,无论是从社会舆论还是从广大不动产业主的切身感受来看,目前中国的业主委员会的生存状况及其作用的发挥都不容乐观.很多住宅区要么就是没有业主委员会,要么就是业主委员会形同虚设,无法切实行使自己的职权.
【关键词】 业主委员会 法律地位 非法人组织
Abstract:As China's market economy continues to develop,people's living standards gradually improved,the housing market began to prosperity,but at the same time a lot of problems will arise then,including the legal status of real estate owners are not well protected Is an urgent need to resolve the issue,the issue related to whether the owners will be better organized,change the current owners of the property management groups in the negative and vulnerable position,so that property owners and companies to better interact and to provide better Services.However,whether from public opinion or from the vast number of real estate owners of personal feelings,China's current owners of the Committee and its role in the survival of the play are not optimistic.Many residential areas or is not the owner or owners of the Committee is to exist in name only,unable to effectively exercise its mandate.
This paper will be passed from the owners of the Committee on the theory,the owners of the legal status of comparative studies,the owners of the legal status of the legislative status and determine the legal status of the owners of the proposed four-part,to be discussed in detail.
Key words:owners of the legal status of illegal organizations
Abstract:As China's market economy continues to develop,people's living standards gradually improved,the housing market began to prosperity,but at the same time a lot of problems will arise then,including the legal status of real estate owners are not well protected Is an urgent need to resolve the issue,the issue related to whether the owners will be better organized,change the current owners of the property management groups in the negative and vulnerable position,so that property owners and companies to better interact and to provide better Services.However,whether from public opinion or from the vast number of real estate owners of personal feelings,China's current owners of the Committee and its role in the survival of the play are not optimistic.Many residential areas or is not the owner or owners of the Committee is to exist in name only,unable to effectively exercise its mandate.
This paper will be passed from the owners of the Committee on the theory,the owners of the legal status of comparative studies,the owners of the legal status of the legislative status and determine the legal status of the owners of the proposed four-part,to be discussed in detail.
Key words:owners of the legal status of illegal organizations
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