早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


Do you like children ? Do you like looking after children?
Yesterday ,I went to visit my uncle .My uncle and aunt ‘s daughter ‘s name is Mao Kexin , we called her Xinxin . Xinxin is only 3 years old .She is very cute and clever .So we all like her very much..
In the afternoon , my father , mother , aunt and uncle were all going out . Just Xinxin and me stayed at home . They let me take care of Xinxin.
I hugged her to sit on the sofa to watch TV . Xinxin wanted to watch cartoons,so Iput the television show the animations . After a while ,she seems hungry ,so she cried for eating . Then I gave her a box of milk and a piece of bread . After that ,she smiled happily ,and continued to watch the cartoon.
But good times didn’t last long ,after a long time .I put her on the sofa ,but she accidentally in the sofa pee. I’m very surprised and unhappy . I quickly with a towel to wipe up the sofa