早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
要求让语言更生动 更华丽
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The sightseeing of England
Last month,I joined the summer camp of Chunlei Middle School.We went to the United Kingdom.It was fun and exciting.
In England,we lived in Oxford.We were happy every day.Every morning,I drank a glass of milk and ate bread with some ketchup.Then my three friends and I went to the school by bus.After class our teachers and we went to the restaurant to have lunch together.The food was delicious.Every afternoon,we usually went to some interesting place to have fun.Every evening,my friends and I sometimes played soccer with Englishman.It was really interesting.
In the morning of the first day,after we arrived in the UK,my friends and I got up early,because we had to find the school by ourselves.We took the map.We hoped the map can help us to find the school.Finally we found the school.We were so happy.In England the last activity was very exciting.Teacher took us to go boating.I was really excited.Because I was the first time to row a boat.That day I was also very tired.
I think England is a very good country to go sightseeing.There are many friendly people.The buildings are very old.The bus isn’t slower than car.England is not big,it’s only 244100km2.But the people is few.There is only 58395 thousand people is England.What a commodious country it is!You want to go to the UK,don’t you?
要求让语言更生动 更华丽
回复说出要改的地方 然后把改好的文章也发上来
The sightseeing of England
Last month,I joined the summer camp of Chunlei Middle School.We went to the United Kingdom.It was fun and exciting.
In England,we lived in Oxford.We were happy every day.Every morning,I drank a glass of milk and ate bread with some ketchup.Then my three friends and I went to the school by bus.After class our teachers and we went to the restaurant to have lunch together.The food was delicious.Every afternoon,we usually went to some interesting place to have fun.Every evening,my friends and I sometimes played soccer with Englishman.It was really interesting.
In the morning of the first day,after we arrived in the UK,my friends and I got up early,because we had to find the school by ourselves.We took the map.We hoped the map can help us to find the school.Finally we found the school.We were so happy.In England the last activity was very exciting.Teacher took us to go boating.I was really excited.Because I was the first time to row a boat.That day I was also very tired.
I think England is a very good country to go sightseeing.There are many friendly people.The buildings are very old.The bus isn’t slower than car.England is not big,it’s only 244100km2.But the people is few.There is only 58395 thousand people is England.What a commodious country it is!You want to go to the UK,don’t you?
joined后加in,fung改为funny,my three friends改为three of my friends,have lunch改为have a lunch,不好意思我要下了.下次我帮你.
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