早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享




    Now computer games are very popular among middle school students. Half of male students in our class like playing computer games very much .Though our teachers and their parents tell them not to play games any more again and again t hey play the computer games daily and they don't go to school. They spend a lot of time playing computer games each time so they often ask their parents for money or borrow money from their classmates. Some students even use mobile phones to play the games in class. They don’t listen to the teacher carefully and usually forget to do their homework. I think it’s really bad for their lessons.

    Playing computer games wastes money and it is also bad for the students’ health and study. So I hope those who have got the habit of playing computer games could give it up as soon as possible.

Information Card

The popular activity among middle school students

(1)                    .

Situations in playing games

(2)               in our class like playing computer games very much.

Some students even (3)      _____    in class.

Writer’s points

Playing computer games (4)                     

and it is not good for the(5)                  .


1. Computer games

2. Half of male students 

3. use mobile phones to play the games

4. wastes money 

5. students’ health and study


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