早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
Dear Ming,
I recently heard that you want to replace your old cell phone with the newest Iphone5,but your parents didn't agree to buy it for you.
You must be distressed by your parents'decision at this time.But as your classmate and good friend,I want to point out that what your parents did is for your own good(高分句型一).Because at current stage of life,our most important task is studying and gaining more knowleage to become useful people for the society.(同学小明想买个最新的Iphone5,父母不同意,作者表示理解)
Using newest Iphone is really cool and eyes-catching(高分句型二 ).But that digital gadget will distract you from focusing on your study.Neither your parents nor I want to see that happen.According to what I said before,I hope you pay more attention to your homework instead of cellphones.That's what we should do right now.(买新手机弊大于利)
Li Hua
I recently heard that you want to replace your old cell phone with the newest Iphone5,but your parents didn't agree to buy it for you.
You must be distressed by your parents'decision at this time.But as your classmate and good friend,I want to point out that what your parents did is for your own good(高分句型一).Because at current stage of life,our most important task is studying and gaining more knowleage to become useful people for the society.(同学小明想买个最新的Iphone5,父母不同意,作者表示理解)
Using newest Iphone is really cool and eyes-catching(高分句型二 ).But that digital gadget will distract you from focusing on your study.Neither your parents nor I want to see that happen.According to what I said before,I hope you pay more attention to your homework instead of cellphones.That's what we should do right now.(买新手机弊大于利)
Li Hua
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