早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
要求:1、全文60词左右 2、文中不能出现可能透露考生真实身份的任何信息.
要求:1、全文60词左右 2、文中不能出现可能透露考生真实身份的任何信息.
Possible versions:
An interesting discussion
Last week,our English teacher asked us to discuss in groups.We began to ask each other,"What are
you going to be when you grow up?How are you going to do that?" We were so interested in these questions
that all of us were happy to answer.When we didn't know how to express ourselves,we helped each other
or used the dictionary.At last,the group leaders reported our plans in front of the class.I think it is very
interesting and helpful to learn in groups.
My experience in English corner
There is an English corner in our school.It is popular with students.
When I first took part in it,I was asked sing an English song to the group.I was a little shy at first.
Everyone encouraged me.They were so friendly and I soon stopped worrying.I sang so well that I couldn't
believe it myself.I was moved and realized the power of encouragement and kindness.
An interesting discussion
Last week,our English teacher asked us to discuss in groups.We began to ask each other,"What are
you going to be when you grow up?How are you going to do that?" We were so interested in these questions
that all of us were happy to answer.When we didn't know how to express ourselves,we helped each other
or used the dictionary.At last,the group leaders reported our plans in front of the class.I think it is very
interesting and helpful to learn in groups.
My experience in English corner
There is an English corner in our school.It is popular with students.
When I first took part in it,I was asked sing an English song to the group.I was a little shy at first.
Everyone encouraged me.They were so friendly and I soon stopped worrying.I sang so well that I couldn't
believe it myself.I was moved and realized the power of encouragement and kindness.
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