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求 英语作文(80字左右
1.突发事件2.身心健康3.环境保护4.语言学习5.兴趣爱好6.写人记事7.旅游和介绍地方 8.新生事物评价9.梦想和未来10.烦恼
My New School Life
I 'm an out-going boy of 15 years old.I have many hobbies,such as playing basketball,football and volleyball.I like collecting stamps and listening to music too.My idol is Liu Dehua,the well-known star of HongKong.
I study in a new school this term.It is my dream school and a key one with beautiful surroundings and a good learning atmosphere.It's a boarding school,so I live in it from Monday to Friday.There are different kinds of trees and flowers in the campus and the air is fresh.I like my new school so much.
I'm good at making friends and have a lot of friends here,one of whom is Liu Dong,a bright boy coming from Dadian.He is thin and tall.We are in the same class.We have many similar hobbies,so we became friends not long before the school started.

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