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lin fan 在学习英语的过程中遇到了一些困难1.不能正确地读一些单词,2.记不住生词,而且总
Dear Lin Fan,
I hear you have some problems in learning English. Here are some of my suggestions for you.
First, you can't read words correctly. I think you should learn the 48 phonetical simbols again and master some pronoucing rules of letters. Llisten to tapes and read words after them as much as possible.
To solve the problem that you cannot remember words or often write them correctly, you should learn and write words according to their pronunciation and keep words in mind by learning texts with them. Most important of all, we should use words as much as possible by reading or writing after we learn them.
As for the last problem that you cannot understand foreigners, I think we should listen to English radios and watch English films as much as possible. We can also make some foreign friends and communicate with them in English slowly and let them correct our pronunciation and intonation.
That's all. I hope these ways can help you.
LI Hua

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