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呼啸山庄读后感 英文书虫读物的《呼啸山庄》 要求:先写大概内容再写自己的感想。 词汇量语法等是高一程度。 500~1000个单词。 这两天就要了。 看后觉得好会追加分!!!!
The book,Wuthering Heihts written in 1847,by Emily Bronte. It is a very good novel. The story in this novel deeply moved everyone who had read it and the structure of this novel is very fresh. At first I will tell you the main plot about Wuthering Heights. The story is narrated by Lockwood, a gentleman visiting the Yorkshire moors where the novel is set, and of Mrs Dean, housekeeper to the Earnshaw Family, who had been witness of the interlocked destinies of the original owners of the Heights. Described the love and enmity between Earnshaw and Linton’s family, especially Heathcliff and Catherine’s deeply love. Heathcliff is brought to Heights from the streets of Liverpool by Mr Earnshaw. Heathcliff is treated as Earnshaw’s own children, Catherine and Hindley. Heathcliff is bullied by Hindley after Earnshaw death and his lover Catherine marries Edgar Linton for many factors. This made Heathcliff mad, his destructive force is unleashed and his first victim is his beloved, Catherine, who dies giving birth to a girl, another Catherine(Kathy). Edgar’s sister, whom he had married, flees to the south. Their son Linton and Kathy are married, but always sickly Linton dies. After that, Hareton, Hindley’s son and the young widow fall in love. Increasingly isolated and alienated from daily life, Heathcliff experiences visions, and he longs for the death that will reunite him with Catherine. The story is wonderful, and the structure is also extremely excellent.The author Emily Bronte use a series of flashbacks and time shifts draws a powerful picture of this story. Because of its wonderful story, excellent structure and graceful language, the book left a deep impression on me. From this book, we understand the deeply love and enmity. We find that the enmity always touched by deeply love at the end of the story, true feelings and true love always moved everyone. So we must treat others with true feelings. That’s all I want to say about Wuthering Heights. It’s really a good book. Readers will really gain much from this book.
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