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AH-64 Apache Armed Helicoper
AH-56 “夏安”计划被取消以后美国陆军获准展开 AH-56 的替代计划,这项计划就是所谓的“先进攻击直升机”.“先进攻击直升机”计划目的是要提供陆军一种全天候全能型攻击直升机,并可用来对付敌人的装甲与其他强化过的目标.陆军挑选两家主要的国防承包公司参与这项计划,一是贝尔直升机公司的 YAH-63,另一个是休斯公司的YAH-64 .75年9月和11月,由休斯公司研制的两架YAH-64试飞原型机分别进行了首次试飞,与此同时一架地面试验机也完成了试验任务.76年5月开始,两种原型机进行对比试飞,美陆军认为休斯直升机公司设计的机型在飞行表现、驾驶舱配置和系统整合上都比较优秀,最后正式宣布休斯YAH-64方案获胜.后休斯直升机公司并人麦道公司,而麦道后又并入波音公司.81年正式命名为“阿帕奇”,1984年1月第一架生产型AH-64A正式交付部队使用.
AH-64 Apache Armed Helicoper AH-56 “your health” the plan is cancelled the later United States Army to be allowed to launch AH-56 the substitution plan,this plan is so-called “the advanced attack helicopter”.“the advanced attack helicopter” the plan goal is must provide the army one kind of all-weather versatile attack helicopter,and may use for to cope with enemy's armor has strengthened with other goal.The army chooses two main national defense contract company to participate in this plan; first,Bell helicopter company's YAH-63,another is Hughes's YAH-64.75 year in September and in November,two YAH-64 test flight prototype which developed by the Hughes have carried on the initial test flight separately,at the same time a ground testing machine has also completed the experimental task.76 year in May starts,two kind of prototypes carry on the contrast test flight,the US Army thought that the Hughes helicopter corporate design the type in the flight performance,the cockpit disposition and the system conformity is quite outstanding,finally the official announcement Hughes YAH-64 plan wins.Latter Hughes helicopter company and person McDonnell-Douglas,but after McDonald Douglas,merges the Boeing.81 years name officially as “Apache”,in January,1984 first production configuration AH-64A official payment army used.
AH-56 “夏安”计划被取消以后美国陆军获准展开 AH-56 的替代计划,这项计划就是所谓的“先进攻击直升机”.“先进攻击直升机”计划目的是要提供陆军一种全天候全能型攻击直升机,并可用来对付敌人的装甲与其他强化过的目标.陆军挑选两家主要的国防承包公司参与这项计划,一是贝尔直升机公司的 YAH-63,另一个是休斯公司的YAH-64 .75年9月和11月,由休斯公司研制的两架YAH-64试飞原型机分别进行了首次试飞,与此同时一架地面试验机也完成了试验任务.76年5月开始,两种原型机进行对比试飞,美陆军认为休斯直升机公司设计的机型在飞行表现、驾驶舱配置和系统整合上都比较优秀,最后正式宣布休斯YAH-64方案获胜.后休斯直升机公司并人麦道公司,而麦道后又并入波音公司.81年正式命名为“阿帕奇”,1984年1月第一架生产型AH-64A正式交付部队使用.
AH-64 Apache Armed Helicoper AH-56 “your health” the plan is cancelled the later United States Army to be allowed to launch AH-56 the substitution plan,this plan is so-called “the advanced attack helicopter”.“the advanced attack helicopter” the plan goal is must provide the army one kind of all-weather versatile attack helicopter,and may use for to cope with enemy's armor has strengthened with other goal.The army chooses two main national defense contract company to participate in this plan; first,Bell helicopter company's YAH-63,another is Hughes's YAH-64.75 year in September and in November,two YAH-64 test flight prototype which developed by the Hughes have carried on the initial test flight separately,at the same time a ground testing machine has also completed the experimental task.76 year in May starts,two kind of prototypes carry on the contrast test flight,the US Army thought that the Hughes helicopter corporate design the type in the flight performance,the cockpit disposition and the system conformity is quite outstanding,finally the official announcement Hughes YAH-64 plan wins.Latter Hughes helicopter company and person McDonnell-Douglas,but after McDonald Douglas,merges the Boeing.81 years name officially as “Apache”,in January,1984 first production configuration AH-64A official payment army used.
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