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古巴比伦王国 巴比伦最初不过是幼发拉底河边的一个不知名的小城市.在公元前2200年左右,来自叙利亚草原的闪族人的一支——阿摩利人攻占这座小城,建立了国家.骁勇善战,争强尚武的阿摩利人以此为中心,南征北讨,四处征战,最终建立了一个强大的巴比伦王国,历史上称之为“古巴比伦王国”.阿摩利人也因此被称为巴比伦人.巴比伦人继承了苏美尔人和阿卡德人的文明成果,并发扬光大,把美索不达米亚文明发展到了顶峰.人们喜欢用“巴比伦”三个字来概括古代两河流域文明,足以表明巴比伦文明所创造的辉煌业绩和对世人所具有的魅力.为维护奴隶主的利益,汉谟拉比制定了一部法典,史称汉谟拉比法典.它是世界上现存的古代第一部比较完备的成文法典.新巴比伦王国(迦勒底王国) 公元前1000年代初,闪米特人的另一支迦勒底人来到两河流域南部定居.公元前 630年,迦勒底人领袖那波帕拉萨趁当时统治两河流域的新亚述内乱之机,逐渐取得对巴比伦的控制.公元前 626年自立为巴比伦王.后与米底结成联盟,在公元前 612年攻陷尼尼微,灭亚述帝国.亚述帝国灭亡,遗产被新巴比伦王国及米底王国瓜分,其中新巴比伦王国分取了亚述帝国的西半壁河山,即两河流域南部、叙利亚、巴勒斯坦及腓尼基,重建新巴比伦王国(公元前626~前538年),也叫迦勒底王国.
ma de!wo yao fan yi!ying wen!
The ancient kingdoms of original but is an unknown Euphrates small cities. At around 2200 years BC, from Syria of grassland a Semitic, amorites conquered the town, established the state. Bravery, raised the amorites warriors, have realised around north for, finally established a powerful the kingdom of Babylon, called "babylonian history kingdom". Therefore, the amorites also called the babylonians. The babylonians inherited sumer and akkadian civilization, and to carry forward, the mesopotamian civilization development to peak. People like to use "Babylon" three words to generalize the ancient civilization, two river basin of civilization that create brilliant achievements in the world and has charm. To safeguard the interests of oasis, hammurabi formulate a code, history of han said code. It is the world of existing ancient first relatively complete written code. New the kingdom of Babylon (the chaldeans kingdom in the early 1980s, 1000 B.C.) Sumerian another one of the babylonians came two river south to settle down. 63 years BC, the leader of the chaldeans that wave purusha while at the new rule of the machine, the domestic made for the control of gradually. BC in self-reliance for 626 king of Babylon. And after the gurg, in 612 B.C. compromised Nineveh, destroy the Assyrian empire. The Assyrian empire perish, inheritance and the kingdom of Babylon new kingdom divided, including new the kingdom of Babylon the Assyrian empire divided the land, which now west river south, Syria, Palestinian and reconstruction, Phoenicia new the kingdom of Babylon (538 BC) before - 626, also called the chaldeans kingdom.