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Flames engulfed the bus in the Chinese city of Chengdu
At least 25 people have been killed and 78 wounded in a bus fire in central China,state media reports.
The incident happened in the city of Chengdu,the capital of Sichuan province.More than 10 people escaped from the burning bus.
Images posted on blogs and state TV showed the bus in flames,with bloodied people standing and lying near the bus.
The cause of the fire was not immediately known.An investigation is now under way.
The fire began as the bus travelled into central Chengdu during the morning rush hour.
Witnesses said it took only a few minutes for the bus to catch fire,Xinhua news agency reports.
Pictures posted on blogs showed one badly burned and bloody woman on the road with another man nearby with his clothes burned off and his skin burned bright red.
The injured - 11 of whom are said to be in a serious condition and five are critical - are being treated in hospital.

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