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Santa Claus,also known as Saint Nicholas,Father Christmas,Kris Kringle,or simply "Santa",is a historical,legendary,and mythical figure in folklore who,in Western cultures,is described as bringing gifts on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day,or on his feast day,December 6.The legend may have its basis in hagiographical tales concerning the historical figure of Saint Nicholas.
The modern depiction of Santa Claus as a fat,jolly man (or elf) wearing a red coat and trousers with white cuffs and collar,and black leather belt and boots,became popular in the United States in the 19th century due to the significant influence of caricaturist and political cartoonist Thomas Nast.This image has been maintained and reinforced through song,radio,television,and films.In the United Kingdom and Europe,his depiction is often identical to the American Santa,but he is commonly called Father Christmas.
One legend associated with Santa says that he lives in the far north,in a land of perpetual snow.The American version of Santa Claus lives at the North Pole,while Father Christmas is said to reside in Finland.Other details include:he is married and lives with Mrs.Claus; that he makes a list of children throughout the world,categorizing them according to their behavior; that he delivers presents,including toys,candy,and other presents to all of the good boys and girls in the world,and sometimes coal or sticks to the naughty children,in one night; and that he accomplishes this feat with the aid of magical elves who make the toys,and nine flying reindeer who pull his sleigh.
There has long been opposition to teaching children to believe in Santa Claus.Some Christians say the Santa tradition detracts from the religious origins and purpose of Christmas.Other critics feel that Santa Claus is an elaborate lie,and that it is unethical for parents to teach their children to believe in his existence.Still others oppose Santa Claus as a symbol of the commercialization of the Christmas holiday,or as an intrusion upon their own national traditions
圣诞老人,也被称为圣尼古拉,圣诞老人,克里斯林革,或干脆“圣诞老人” ,是一个历史,传奇和神话人物,民间传说谁,在西方文化中,被描述为把礼物在平安夜或圣诞节,或在其宴一天,12月六传说可能有其基础hagiographical故事有关的历史人物的圣尼古拉.
一个传说与圣说,他生活在最北部,在土地的永久积雪.美国版本的圣诞老人住在北极,而圣诞老人是说,住在芬兰.其他细节包括:他已婚,夫人的生活克劳斯; ,他提出了儿童的名单在世界各地,他们划分根据其行为; ,他带来礼物,包括玩具,糖果,及其他提出的所有好男孩和女孩的世界,有时煤或坚持顽皮的儿童,在一个晚上,他完成这一壮举的帮助下神奇的精灵谁使玩具,和9个飞行驯鹿谁拉他的雪橇.

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