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看起来那位登山运动员还没有意识到遭受野兽袭击的危险性.(be aware of)
我正要松开绳子的时候,看到那幅正被颠倒着往墙上挂.(be about to ,upsaid down)
我会尽快和那些领取退休金的人联系.在此期间,不要告诉他们我回来了.(in the meantime)
我看到你的同伴捡起一块石头瞄准那只发狂的狗扔出去.(aim at,let it go )
Looks like the climber is still not aware of the danger of being attacked by wild beasts.(没有说明状态,所以用了现在式)
when i was about to release the rope,i saw the painting hanging up on the wall upside down
i will contact the pensioners as soon as possible.In the meantime,don't tell them that i've come back
i saw your fellow picked up a stone,aimed at the wild dog,then let it go