早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
Shanghai People's Square is the largest public square, are financial and cultural, green and beautify the next century as a whole political culture.
Central Square is 320 square meters circular fountain for three-nine-style sink. This is the first large-scale musical fountain dry, red, yellow and blue tri-color composition of the glass stage ring color to create a spectacular beauty, attractive new landscape. Shanghai highlights the central fountain of the territory around the fountain are four copper flower beds, stone with flower made of steel 44 shigu lights, "squatting" on the square in the center. At the entrance steps of the four, 6 Group rich cultural and artistic characteristics of the traditional embossed, vivid lines beautiful, simple elegant design reflects the history and culture of Shanghai and Shanghai, a beautiful wish of the people.
The central square of the east and west sides have two small squares, the eastern corridor to the sun, the formation of the sun Square; the west gallery for the moon to form a moon Plaza. Place a whole are green grass, many trees, flower beds of all sizes enjoy the blooming flowers. Green belt main plant camphora, Cedar, Magnolia and other evergreen shrubs, lush, like the people at the Evergreen Plaza, the external pull up the "hand." Square area of 13 hectares, accounting for only green on eight hectares, so that the square has become Shanghai's largest garden square
Shanghai People's Square is the largest public square, are financial and cultural, green and beautify the next century as a whole political culture.
Central Square is 320 square meters circular fountain for three-nine-style sink. This is the first large-scale musical fountain dry, red, yellow and blue tri-color composition of the glass stage ring color to create a spectacular beauty, attractive new landscape. Shanghai highlights the central fountain of the territory around the fountain are four copper flower beds, stone with flower made of steel 44 shigu lights, "squatting" on the square in the center. At the entrance steps of the four, 6 Group rich cultural and artistic characteristics of the traditional embossed, vivid lines beautiful, simple elegant design reflects the history and culture of Shanghai and Shanghai, a beautiful wish of the people.
The central square of the east and west sides have two small squares, the eastern corridor to the sun, the formation of the sun Square; the west gallery for the moon to form a moon Plaza. Place a whole are green grass, many trees, flower beds of all sizes enjoy the blooming flowers. Green belt main plant camphora, Cedar, Magnolia and other evergreen shrubs, lush, like the people at the Evergreen Plaza, the external pull up the "hand." Square area of 13 hectares, accounting for only green on eight hectares, so that the square has become Shanghai's largest garden square
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