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请广大爱英语的朋友们帮我写三篇英语小作文‘:my plan(关于下学期生活的计划) my daily life 和last summer holiday 感激不尽 (那些自己懒得打却来讽刺的靠边坐
  My Plan
  How time flies!New semester is coming again.And I will go back to school.I want to make more
  First,I will study harder and regularly.As a student,my study is the first important thing.Form a good study habit is good for leaner.So I will try it .Besides,practice makes perfect.I'll do more exercise.
  Second,health is also improtant for me.It's the fundation of my good study and happy life.I want to do more exercise everyday.I want to do running everyday,and go swimming on the weekend.I think these can make me healther and strong.
  Finally,I want to enjoy my hobbies.I like singing ,play the piano,and watch movie very much.So,in my spare time,I'd like to practice my piano skill more,watch some newest movies to relax myself and sing my favourite singer's songs.
  This is my plan for next semester.
  My Dalily Life
  I usually have a quiet day at home these days with my father and mother.
  I get up early in the morning at about seven o'clock.Then I have breakfast made by my mom.
  My mom is a very hardworking women,she gets up very early.And thanks to her,our family always have good food for our meal.
  After this ,I do morning exercise.I run about 1000km everyday.The fresh air outside makes my mind clear and refresh.And I feel happy after this.Then,I do my homework and review my lessons .After these ,I read novels and watch TV for entertainment .
  In the afternoon ,I usually have a nap about 1 hour.After this,I play my piano or go out with my friend for fun.
  In the evening,after lunnch I have a walk with my father or go to groceries with my mother to prepare foods for next day.
  This is my simple but happy dalily life.
  Last Summer Holiday
  I have spent a happy summer holiday last year.Our family went to my aunt's house in Shandong.And I made great progress in music.
  In Shandong,I saw the sea,the big blue sea.I hadn't saw seas before I went there.The sky was very blue,and the sea was very clear .I saw many people with their childrens runing ,laughing and talking on the beach.It's a very beautiful place ,I 'll never forget.
  At home ,I had spent a lot of time on piano and singing.I usually practised more than 2 hours a day piano .And after that ,I could play many classic piano tunes.I still feel happy and be proud of myself now.
  In addition ,I didn't study hard last summer holiday.I'm lazy with my study.So I want to spend more time on my study.And then ,I can learn more .
  It's my last summer holidy.

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