Westerners think that the education ways in many Chinese families are hard to understand. Here are some examples.
Many children in China are looked after by their grandparents because their parents are busy. 1.But children need to stay and communicate with their parents.
2.父母们不注意孩子们的权利(rights)。 Parents should knock at the door before they go into the room of their children. 3.They shouldn’t move their children’s things before they agree. Children who are not respected also do not know how to respect others.
4.Parents often compare their children with others. Most Chinese parents want their children to be successful because it can save the parents’ face. Parents often say “You see somebody else is studying hard what good grades they have and what prizes they get.” This is the worst thing. It will only bring the children much harm and pain.
Many children are made to do what their parents expect though they do not like it. For example parents ask their children to learn to play the piano or go abroad. It should be decided by children themselves.
5.学习越努力,他们就会越好。 Many parents think school performance is everything. In fact the integrated ability is so important that it will affect children all their lives.
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