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我求一篇评论或演讲稿 要求贴近生活 不要太过表面化
需要 中文的
Everyone has his or her experience that is unforgettable.Mine happened when I was five,when my parents took me to the city zoo.It was a hot summer so most animals were laying down to stay cool.As we walked around,I saw a penguin wandering around behind the zoo’s café.At first I couldn’t believe my eyes.How could a penguin be outside its pen?So I walked towards the penguin and picked it up.It surprised me how light it was!I took the penguin to the zoo’s office.It turned out that someone forgot to close the penguin pen after feeding them,so one penguin got out.The zoo keeper said that if I had not found the penguin and brought it to her,the penguin could die from the heat.The zoo keeper thanked me for saving the penguin and gave me a hat with a penguin picture

一个平底锅每次最多能煎2个饼,煎一只正面需要2分钟,反面需要1分钟,那么煎5只饼最少能用几分钟?一个  2020-03-30 …

反义词近义词的成语需要反义词1和2反,3和4也反的词.(8个)需要反义词2和4反,1和3也反的词.  2020-05-15 …

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关于燃油电导率测量仪的设计?我最近需要面试的公司做燃油电导率测量仪,但我以前没做过,心里很没底,我  2020-05-17 …

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1.烙一张饼需要烙两面,如果每烙一面需要2分钟,一个锅里一次能放入3张饼,烙4张饼,最少需要多少分  2020-06-19 …

平板划线法和稀释涂布平板法是微生物接种最常用的方法,有关二者的区别,正确的是()比较方面平板划线法  2020-06-25 …

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1.烙一张饼需要烙两面,如果每烙一面需要2分钟,一个锅里一次能放入3张饼,烙4张饼,最少需要多少分  2020-06-29 …

河道上修路,路基如何处理?河道上修路,河道内有水,近70CM,水下有近30~40CM的淤泥,因施工  2020-06-29 …