早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
我求一篇评论或演讲稿 要求贴近生活 不要太过表面化
需要 中文的
需要 中文的
Everyone has his or her experience that is unforgettable.Mine happened when I was five,when my parents took me to the city zoo.It was a hot summer so most animals were laying down to stay cool.As we walked around,I saw a penguin wandering around behind the zoo’s café.At first I couldn’t believe my eyes.How could a penguin be outside its pen?So I walked towards the penguin and picked it up.It surprised me how light it was!I took the penguin to the zoo’s office.It turned out that someone forgot to close the penguin pen after feeding them,so one penguin got out.The zoo keeper said that if I had not found the penguin and brought it to her,the penguin could die from the heat.The zoo keeper thanked me for saving the penguin and gave me a hat with a penguin picture
Everyone has his or her experience that is unforgettable.Mine happened when I was five,when my parents took me to the city zoo.It was a hot summer so most animals were laying down to stay cool.As we walked around,I saw a penguin wandering around behind the zoo’s café.At first I couldn’t believe my eyes.How could a penguin be outside its pen?So I walked towards the penguin and picked it up.It surprised me how light it was!I took the penguin to the zoo’s office.It turned out that someone forgot to close the penguin pen after feeding them,so one penguin got out.The zoo keeper said that if I had not found the penguin and brought it to her,the penguin could die from the heat.The zoo keeper thanked me for saving the penguin and gave me a hat with a penguin picture
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写一篇小评论。我们对读过的一篇文章、一本书,看过的一部电影、一场戏、一部电视剧,欣赏过的一幅字、张 2020-05-14 …
军机处设置的原因、特点和职能演变过程,评述其实质及影响(概括,用1.----2.---3.---陈 2020-05-16 …
内部控制评价包括( )。 A.过程评价和目标评价B.结果评价和目标评价C.过程评价和结果评价 2020-05-21 …
在健康教育评价过程中,现场观察常用于A:形成评价B:结局评价C:效应评价D:过程评价E:总结评价 2020-06-07 …
在2008年春节联欢晚会上,伴口技的手影节目《手影表演》,通过演员的双手和口技表演生动地演绎了两只鸟 2020-11-04 …
指出下列病句的错误①、英国皇家芭蕾舞团在首都剧场的演出,博得了全场观众的热烈的掌声,对这次精彩的表演 2020-11-13 …
中外历史人物评说材料奥托•冯•俾斯麦,人称“铁血宰相”、“德国的建筑师”.1862年9月成为首相的俾 2020-11-20 …
写作部分1.爱情是人世间永恒的主题。《孔雀东南飞》也是一个爱情悲剧。学过这两篇课文,你有什么感想?试 2020-11-26 …
文学常识填空。《变脸》是名篇,作者是。变脸原指戏曲中的,后来指一种瞬间多次变换脸部妆容的表演特技。这 2021-01-15 …