早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
我求一篇评论或演讲稿 要求贴近生活 不要太过表面化
需要 中文的
需要 中文的
Everyone has his or her experience that is unforgettable.Mine happened when I was five,when my parents took me to the city zoo.It was a hot summer so most animals were laying down to stay cool.As we walked around,I saw a penguin wandering around behind the zoo’s café.At first I couldn’t believe my eyes.How could a penguin be outside its pen?So I walked towards the penguin and picked it up.It surprised me how light it was!I took the penguin to the zoo’s office.It turned out that someone forgot to close the penguin pen after feeding them,so one penguin got out.The zoo keeper said that if I had not found the penguin and brought it to her,the penguin could die from the heat.The zoo keeper thanked me for saving the penguin and gave me a hat with a penguin picture
Everyone has his or her experience that is unforgettable.Mine happened when I was five,when my parents took me to the city zoo.It was a hot summer so most animals were laying down to stay cool.As we walked around,I saw a penguin wandering around behind the zoo’s café.At first I couldn’t believe my eyes.How could a penguin be outside its pen?So I walked towards the penguin and picked it up.It surprised me how light it was!I took the penguin to the zoo’s office.It turned out that someone forgot to close the penguin pen after feeding them,so one penguin got out.The zoo keeper said that if I had not found the penguin and brought it to her,the penguin could die from the heat.The zoo keeper thanked me for saving the penguin and gave me a hat with a penguin picture
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(2012•莱芜)为表彰在“缔造完美教室”活动中表现积极的同学,老师决定购买文具盒与钢笔作为奖品. 2020-05-22 …
中国需要世界,世界也需要中国。我国古代,中外文化交流不同历史时期显现不同的特点。图表梳理《古代中外 2020-06-11 …
为表彰在“缔造完美教室”活动中表现积极的同学,老师决定购买文具盒与钢笔作为奖品.已知5个文具盒、2 2020-07-06 …
中国文化最具代表性的建筑?需要它的详细介绍,比如说它的特点呀什么的,最好是传统文化的代表……另外, 2020-07-13 …
初中语文需要背诵的内容都有什么?包括课后诗词,文言文. 2020-07-23 …
为表彰在某活动中表现积极的同学,老师决定购买文具盒与钢笔作为奖品.已知5个文具盒、2支钢笔共需100 2020-11-06 …
英语翻译我需要你的帮助,公司变更投资方法定代表人和经营范围,附件中的文件需要麻烦你帮忙找Mr.A、M 2020-11-07 …
引号的用法将正确的用法的序号写在句子的后面:①文中直接引用的部分.②文中需要着重论述的对象.③文中表 2020-11-11 …
求一篇“我爱二中”征文需要600字以上,我是瓦房店的 2020-11-13 …