早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


___ ___ the trip ____ ____ ____?It’s ___.I saw ____ ____ ____ ___ for myself
2.先过桥,然后在第二个十字路口右拐,继续走,你肯定会在尽头看到熊猫馆的____ ___ ____ ___ first.And then take the ____ ___ on the right.____ ____ ___,you are ____ ____ ___ the Panda House ____ ____ ___ of it.
3.If Tom doesn’t help him,he can’t work out the problem(改为同义句)He can’t work out the problem ___ ____ ____.
4.The man didn’t stop playing cards with his friends all day long(改为同义句)The man ____ ____ cards with his friends all day long.
5.The girls were not afraid of animals any more(改为同义句)The girls ____ ____ ___ afraid of animals.
6.SUzi sent me a lovely teddy bear the other day.(对画线部分提问)____ ____ SUzi ____ you the other day?
7.The news surprised all the children.(改为同义句)All the children ____ ____ ____ ___ the news
8.她突然发现自己太矮了,无法够到桌上的便条Suddenly she found she ____ ____ _____ ____ ____ the note on the table
9.That idea sounds wonderful(改为感叹句)____ _____ that ____ _____
10.Everyone has great fun learning Enlish in our class(改为感叹句)____ ____ ___ eceryone ____ ____ Enlish in our class.
11.People can fly to the moon some day in the future.People ____ ____ ____ to fly to the moon some day in the future.
12.When did you get his letter(改为同义句)When did you ____ ____ him
13.Where is Tom?He ____(fight) with his deskmate just now and he is in the office now .
14.Teachers look after the students very well just like their own children(改为同义句)
Teachers ____ ____ ____ ____ the students just like their own children.
15.Don’t do any trick any more ____ ____?(改为反意疑问句)
16.Six elephants weigh about 27,000 kilograms(对画线部分提问)
①____ _____ do six elephants _____./ ②_____ ____ ____ ___ six elephants/③____ ____ are six elephants.
17.You needn’t pick them up with your hands ,I think.(改为同义句)
You ____ ____ ____ ____ them up with your hands ,I think.

How about     to the forest      excellent          many kinds of animals

Go across the bridge      second cross     go on ahead     certainly to see    at the end

without Tom's help

kept playing

were no longer这里不能用no more

What did    send这里动词要用原型

were very surprise at

is too short to get

How wonderful        idea is

What a fun      has in learning 这题看不出到底every后面是几横

will be able

hear from


took good care of

will you

How much  weigh          What's the weight of            how weigh

don't have to pick


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