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Weaving hammocks(吊床)is an art that takes a sharp eye,a skilled hand and lots of patience.But in Lenwood Haddock's case,being blind works to his advantage.His trained,sensitive hands are acutely aware of every step of the complex process.Since beginning his work in 1986,Lenwood has woven about 145,000 perfect hammocks.
Now 61,Lenwood lost his sight in 1973,at age 18,during a hunting accident."My whole working career has been blind,"he says.He first found a job as a woodworker,but when that organization closed,he was connected him with Hatteras Hammocks.
On his first day of work,"I did a total of one hammock,"Lenwood recalls,laughing."And then I came home and laid on the couch and went to sleep.I lift weights,but I wasn't as tough as I thought until I started weaving.It takes a lot of energy,and you're standing up all day."
In time,however,Lenwood got into a good working rhythm and found he had a knack for the job.At first he worked at the company,but after a year Lenwood moved his operation to the home workshop where he'd worked for 10 years during his woodworking days.
He creates dozons of hammocks each week in a variety of sizes.One day,he realized the step counter on his phone recorded him walking eight miles without ever leaving his shop.
The process of weaving a hammock involves making and catching hundreds of loops.A single missed stitch(针) creates a hole that can widen and make the hammock uncomfortable or even dangerous to use.Experienced weavers miss loops sometimes,but to his company's knowledge,Lenwood has never turned in a hammock with even one dropped stitch.
With every hammock,Lenwood devotes himself to producing perfection."I'm not sure how sighted people do it,"he admits.

56.What made Lenwood Haddock's weaving hammocks special?(No more than 2 words)___
57.How did Lenwood Haddock feel after his first day of work?(No more than 10 words)___
58.What will happen if a single stitch is missed?(No more than 15 words)___
59.What is the meaning of the underlined part in Paragraph 4?(No more than 8 words)___
60.What qualities does Lenwood Haddock have?And how do they affect you?(No more than 25 words)___.
56.Being blind.Or His blindness.细节题.根据第一段的内容But in Lenwood Haddock's case,being blind works to his advantage可知,Lenwood是一个盲人,所以对他来说吊床显得很特殊.
57.He was very tired.Or He felt very tired.细节题.根据It takes a lot of energy,and you're standing up all day."这句话可知,训练 花了很大的精力,而且站了一整天,所以很疲惫.
58.This will make the hammock uncomfortable or even dangerous to use.细节题.在最后一段A single missed stitch(针) creates a hole that can widen and make the hammock uncomfortable or even dangerous to use.这句话告诉我们缺少一根针会带来危险.
59.He got the trick of weaving hammocks.Or He had a way/skill of doing the job.细节推理题.根据第四段Lenwood got into a good working rhythm 告诉我们Lenwood 有很好的工作节奏,掌握了吊床的技巧.
60.Devotion,perfection,strictness and so on.These qualities are valuable to me.I will try my best to learn to be devoted,perfect and strict in everything with myself.归纳推理题.最后一段Lenwood devotes himself to producing perfection可以推出他是一个奉献、追求完美、严格的人.