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 (湖北省八校2008 届高三第二次联考)


姓  名:刘翔         

出生时间地点:1983.7.13  上海  

项  目:110米跨栏


1. 2001年第一次获得世界大学生运动会110米栏冠军。

2. 2004年雅典奥运会,以12秒91夺得金牌并平世界纪录。

3. 2006年7月,以12秒88的成绩在瑞士获得金牌,并打破世界纪录。

梦  想:2008北京奥运会夺金

参考词汇:男子110米跨栏--Men's 110m Hurdles     雅典--Athens

          瑞士--Switzerland         世界大学生运动会--World University Games

The cover figure of this issue comes from China.




The cover figure of this issue comes from China. Liu Xiang a new idol for Chinese teenagers was born on July 13 1983 in a Shanghai family. Hardworking and strict training have witnessed Liu's rise to fame as an athlete in men's hurdles. As early as 2001 when he was 18 Liu launched his career by winning his first world title in the 110 meters hurdles event at World University Games. Still young Liu has improved steadily and won a historic gold medal at the 2004 Summer Olympics. What amazed the whole world was that there in Athens he equaled the world record of 12.91 seconds held since 1993. However Liu's miracle never seems to end. Two years later in Switzerland Liu managed to beat all his strong opponents in 12.88 seconds consequently making himself a new world record holder! Sunny strong and modest Liu’s greatest ambition is to win another gold medal at the Beijing Olympics to be held in the coming summer .

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