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(浙江省慈溪中学 2010 届高三第二次月考)


Rescuers on Friday found the corpse of the last miner missing in the coal mine blast in northeast China bringing the death toll to 108 the investigation authority said.

The body was recovered at about 4 p.m. Friday in the debris of a shaft at the Xinxing Coal Mine in Hegang City Heilongjiang Province said Zhang Jinguan spokesman of the investigation team of the fatal accident.

The searching efforts had come to an end and workers were clearing up the mine shaft said Zhang.

The blast ripped through the mine under the state-owned Heilongjiang Longmei Mining Holding Group's subsidiary in Hegang Saturday afternoon. A total of 528 miners were working underground when the blast happened and 420 escaped from the scene.

Safety officials and investigators have blamed poor management and inadequate safety precautions for the coal mine blast.

By Thursday relatives of 59 miners killed in the blast had signed compensation agreements with the mining company.

According to the compensation scheme each family of the dead miner could get 102 600 yuan ($15 024) in allowances plus a compensation package of either a one-off 200 000 yuan payment or a long-term scheme of 708 yuan a month for the spouse and 531 yuan a month for parents and children.

(Xinhua News Agency November 27 2009)

65. What caused the coal mine blast?

    A. Poor management and inadequate safety precautions.

    B. The coal miners.

    C. Safety officials and investigators.

    D. The investigation authority.

66. How many miners were killed in the accident?

   A. 420    B. 528     C. 108    D. 59

67. How much money could each family of the dead miners get according to the last paragraph?

A. 102 600 yuan              

B. a one-off 302 600 yuan

C. 708 yuan a month          

D. 200 000yuan

68. How many days later was the last missing miner’s body found?

    A. Five days later         B. Four days later

C. Six days later          D. One day later


答案   ACBC


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