早教吧作业答案频道 -->其他-->
如题.神经与神话课 要用到她的故事,不用太长,但需要一个完整的小故事,1-2分钟就可以了.需要全英文,最好附上中文解释(最好要,实在没有就算了).因为还需要背下来,感激不尽!
如题.神经与神话课 要用到她的故事,不用太长,但需要一个完整的小故事,1-2分钟就可以了.需要全英文,最好附上中文解释(最好要,实在没有就算了).因为还需要背下来,感激不尽!
Atlanta's parentage is uncertain.One possibility is King Iasus with Clymene.She came into the world in the undesirable state of being female.As a result her Father had her carried into the woods and left exposed to die.Instead,she was raised during her childhood by a bear.As she grew older she began to spend time with hunters and was soon the best amongst them.She loved hunting and the outdoors and had no use for a man in her life.She also received an oracle that her marriage would end in disaster.She had no compunction in defending her virginity.When the centaurs Rhoecus and Hylaeus attempted to rape her she quickly killed them with her arrows.
Somehow despite her vaunted virginity she had a son - Parthenopaeus.The father is uncertain.Melanion and Meleager have both been suggested but,both of them were with Atlanta only briefly.Aris has also been put forward as the father.Out of embarrassment she left the child exposed on a mountain.He was found and raised,eventually becoming a hero in his own right.
Atlanta's parentage is uncertain.One possibility is King Iasus with Clymene.She came into the world in the undesirable state of being female.As a result her Father had her carried into the woods and left exposed to die.Instead,she was raised during her childhood by a bear.As she grew older she began to spend time with hunters and was soon the best amongst them.She loved hunting and the outdoors and had no use for a man in her life.She also received an oracle that her marriage would end in disaster.She had no compunction in defending her virginity.When the centaurs Rhoecus and Hylaeus attempted to rape her she quickly killed them with her arrows.
Somehow despite her vaunted virginity she had a son - Parthenopaeus.The father is uncertain.Melanion and Meleager have both been suggested but,both of them were with Atlanta only briefly.Aris has also been put forward as the father.Out of embarrassment she left the child exposed on a mountain.He was found and raised,eventually becoming a hero in his own right.
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