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The university provides testing ground for the application of emerging film technologies.The“Semester in Los Angeles Program” offers a unique opportunity for students who are serious about exploring academic and professional interests related to the entertainment industry.and classes are located in Burbank,just minutes away from some of the major Hollywood studios.Courses are taught by seasoned professionals with extensive careers in film,television and music.
the university provides testiong ground of emerging film technologies located in Burbank,near some Hollywood studios,a Program offersing opportunity for students who are serious,and professional teaching courses.

有好才说好,这个意思有成语或者古语吗?某人说一个人很好,就想叫人家也说好,可人家又不了解怎么说好呢  2020-05-14 …

求V字开头的单词要有含义,最好能搭配“能源”这个词,比如“V~能源”,求给力!我有个域名,是VNL  2020-06-14 …

求g开头b开头h开头的三个英文单词要寓意好的三个单词意思能连成一句话更好也要寓意好的满意的话给充扣  2020-06-17 …

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找几个英语单词.要求:开头字母必须一样;意思就要褒意的像(诚信,诚实,友情,团结,无畏)等类型的!  2020-07-02 …

求大师帮吟首诗思想感情:对现在这个人心叵测.尔虞我诈的社会,而感到悲愤与伤心基本就这个意思,不求好  2020-07-03 …

求一个有寓意又好听的意大利女生名and英文名我的中文名字里有芷、玲,希望能有谐音,好听一点,有寓意  2020-07-09 …

跪求几篇描写失意诗人的抒情散文,比如《流泪的滕王阁》《不朽的失眠等等》越抒情越好跪求几篇描写失意诗  2020-07-23 …