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This story mainly related a little girl Mary from the posture son of but again from vulgar become an alacrity,bright,cleverness of the girl's process.Her knowing in this period be willing to with section wood.The wood of the section is a disable and sick person,but he at Mary and the be willing to of under help with encouragement under,overcome a difficulty finally,heavy see bright.This lets me feel Mary is a good girl,because she can correct mistake in time,and she also takes pleasure in help others,being her to know when the section is a disable and sick person,she didn't sneer at him,comforting him on the contrary,working feeling for him,sharing the happiness and agony and him.The be willing to be a boy of good natured,because he can at the section wood's reconstruction give the section LIN2 SONG to send to eat of,certainly he also is a the alacrity is bright of kid.But section the wood is completely different from him,section LIN2 AI4 become angry,do not break into a furious rage satisfactorily slightly.But he also has an advantage.He is a kid with unremitting persistence,insist everyday the practice walk.They three seem families,with in peace and harmony of three personal live happily.I also admire Mary very much,because he gave section wood's courage,happiness and self-confidence.
Read this story,let me understand,ignore to do what matter,as long as carry it through,be a victory.So we want to own ideal but diligent,struggle.

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