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In the early 50, South Korea's scarcity, economic difficulties, the risk of domestic manufacturing industry,most enterprises hold negative attitude, mostly to import trade, and Li Bingzhe is the danger, in 1953 for the first time by technical force their own design and construction of the South Korea's first large sugar enterprises, for thedomestic production of sugar made in Korea head. On this basis, he created the first wool textile factory, and soon will be the development of an international level of enterprise,product successful "landing" the wool Kingdom -- britain.60 in the Korean economy is in a high growth period, Li Bingzhe for the domestic chemical fertilizer completely dependent on imports of the situation, created in 1967when an annual output of 330000 tons of chemical fertilizer plant, the world's largest. Then, when the electronicindustry has sprung up in western countries, Li Bingzhehas unique insight, founded in 1969, Samsung Electronics,with the end of the year, and founder of the Samsungelectric. 望采纳

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当前医学上,第二代生物技术药物正逐渐取代第一代多肽蛋白质类替代洽疗剂.则第一代药物与第二代重组药物  2020-07-10 …

当前医学上,第二代生物技术药物正逐渐取代第一代多肽蛋白质类药物。第一代药物与第二代重组药物分别是[  2020-07-25 …

当前医学上,第二代生物技术药物正逐渐取代第一代多肽蛋白质类替代治疗剂。则第一代药物与第二代重组药物  2020-07-25 …

当前医学上,第二代生物技术药物正逐渐取代第一代多肽蛋白质类替代治疗剂.则第一代药物与第二代重组药物  2020-07-25 …

当前医学上,第二代生物技术药物正逐渐取代第一代多肽蛋白质类替代治疗剂。则第一代药物与第二代重组药物  2020-07-25 …

当前医学上,第二代生物技术药物正逐渐取代第一代多肽蛋白质类替代洽疗剂。则第一代药物与第二代重组药物  2020-07-25 …

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第一,无论哪一种动物的行为,都是一个运动、变化的动态过程,并包含了身体内部一系列的变化;第二,动物的  2020-11-28 …

某车队运一批货物,第一天运了85吨,第二天运送所剩货物的8/15少3吨,其余的第三天运完,已知第三天  2020-12-15 …