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     I was on my merry way when I saw this old lady. She was    1   to go back home after going to the
laundromat (自助洗衣店). She was    2   her little cart (手推车) with two wheels on the front but it didn't 
  3   because of a big bump (凸块). She pushed so    4   that one of the wheels came off. I stopped and got
the    5   and put it back on the lady's laundry cart. I asked her if she would like me to take her home after I 
  6   my shopping and she replied "    7   ." She was so happy.
     I didn't know how far she was going and my son and my daughter were    8   for me in the car. I    9   to
get my things and when I was at the register (收款机) I let her know that it would not   10    much longer and
she waited    11   for me. When I finished I told her I was   12    and with a big smile she got up. When my
son saw me with her he got out of the    13   and didn't ask me anything    14   for me it was not    15   to do
things like this. I asked her where she   16    and it was about 10 blocks away. When I took her home she was
so   17   and I also gave her a large bottle of juice that I    18   for my kids in the shop. My children just knew
that this was the right thing to do.
     I was    19   that I had done this and later on I thought to myself this was also an educational    20   for my
teenage children. We work by example.
(     )1. A. managing    
(     )2. A. fixing      
(     )3. A. change    
(     )4. A. hard        
(     )5. A.cart       
(     )6. A. started  
(     )7. A. Yes         
(     )8. A. paying      
(     )9. A. stepped   
(     )10. A. take     
(     )11. A. worriedly  
(     )12. A. smart      
(     )13. A. corner     
(     )14. A. if         
(     )15. A. unusual    
(     )16. A.worked      
(     )17. A. skillful   
(     )18. A.bought      
(     )19.  A.kind     
(     )20. A.problem   
B. helping      
B. repairing    
B. move         
B. fast         
B. way          
B. remembered   
B. Sorry        
B. looking      
B. walked       
B. stay         
B. patiently    
B. easy         
B. car          
B. because      
B. unforgettable
B. studied      
B. grateful     
B. made         
B. regretful    
B. tool         
C. asking       
C. pushing      
C. fall         
C. slowly       
C. wheel        
C. suggested    
C. Excuse me    
C. waiting      
C. climbed      
C. rest         
C. secretly     
C. ready        
C. home         
C. so           
C. unfair       
C. shopped      
C. hopeful      
C. collected    
C. glad         
C. guide        
D. trying      
D. pulling     
D. break       
D. calmly      
D. bump        
D. finished    
D. No problem  
D. sending     
D. rushed      
D. give        
D. bravely     
D. tired       
D. laundromat  
D. until       
D. unreal      
D. lived       
D. powerful    
D. ordered     
D. afraid      
D. experience  
1-5: DCBAC    6-10: DACDA   11-15: BCBBA 16-20: DBACD

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