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A Coffee Report
Executive Summary:
In order to solve the Caferoma Brand’s loyalty,Price,‘Copycat’ products and Brand image problems.A lot of suggestions are used by different ways.The objective is to increase the Caferoma market share.Such as:revert to customer’s confidence for the goods; innovate the product; doing adverting; reduce the price; use own label on products and build up multiple brands.
As a Caferoma company is well-know by coffee.Also,it is owned by the Pan European Food and Drink Company (PEFD) in the Turin,Italy.It is come to the top by an exclusive ground coffee for epicures.Therefore,its price has a little high than almost every other brand on the supermarket shelves.Also,it has a strong Italian style coffee and full-bodied flavour .However,the product’s taste has a slightly bitter.Anymore,there are owing to the Brand’s loyalty,Price,‘Copycat’ products and Brand image problems which lead to the Caferoma’s coffee market share of the European ground has declined by almost 25%.Therefore,as a member of PEFD’s European marketing team,we have some recommendations for solving these problems that can make our company to increase our market share in the future.
In this report,we use some advices to solve the Caferoma’s Brand loyalty,Price,‘Copycat’ products and Brand image problems.Such as:Reverting to customer’s confidence of our goods the benefit is making up the consumers for brand loyalty with Caferoma.Also,innovation the product can improve the Caferoma’s coffee become more profit that attract more customers to buy them.Yet to do adverting and sale promotion,it can let the customer adequately to know the goods with a high quality.What is more,reducing the price and using label on the products can break down the other supplier the ‘copycat’ products so that to increase the market share.Finally,buildings up multiple brands and re-packaging the goods that lead to the consumers have strong feeling of excitement and enthusiasm for the Caferoma product.Therefore,we consider our market share will be increased at least 40% in 2 years.
Such as:revert to customer’s confidence for the goods---> recovering.confidence in the goods.
innovate the product; doing adverting; reduce the price; use own label on products and build up multiple brands.--->innovvating.advertising,reducing...using...and building...
is well-know by coffee.-->for coffee.
its price has a little high than--->is a little high
has a slightly bitter.Anymore,--->is a little.moreover
In this report,we use some advices to solve the Caferoma’s --->use some advices to improve.

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