早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


ASHLEY: Scarlett...who are you hiding from here?..what are you up to?why aren't you upstairs
resting with the other girls?what is this,Scarlett
?a secret?
SCARLETT:well,Ashley,Ashley...!i love you.
ASHLEY: Scarlett...
SCARLETT:i love u ,i do
ASHLEY:well,isnt it enough that you gathered every other man's heart today?you always had mine.
you cut your teeth on it.
SCARLETT:oh,dont tease me now.have i your heart my
darling?i love you, i love you..
ASHLEY:you mustn't say such things,you will hate me for hearing them.
SCARLETT:oh,i could never hate you and,and i know
you must care about me.oh,you do care,dont you?
ASHLEY:yes,i care,oh, cant we go away and forget we ever said these things?
SCARLETT:but how can we do that?dont you,dont you
want to marry me?
ASHLEY:i'm going to marry Melanie.
SCARLETT:but you cant,not if you care for me.
ASHLEY:oh my dear,why must you make me say things that will hurt you?how can i make you understand?you are so young and i'm thinking,you don't know what marriage means.
SCARLETT:i know i love you and i want to be your
wife.you don't love Melanie.
ASHLEY:she is like me,Scarlett.She's part of my blood,
we understand each othre.
SCARLETT:but you love me!
ASHLEY:how could i help loving you?you have all the
passion for life that i lack.but that kind of love
isn't enough to make a successful marriage for two
people who are as different as we are.
SCARLETT:why dont you say it,you coward?you are afraid
to marry me.you'd rather live with that silly little
fool who cant open her mouth except to say"yes"'
"no",and raise a houseful of mealy-mouthed brats just like
ASHLEY:you mustn't say things like that about Melanie
SCARLETT:who are you to tell me i mustn't?you led me on,
you made me believe you wanted to marry me!
ASHLEY:now Scarlett,be fair,i never at any time...
SCARLETT:you did,it's true,you did!i'll hate you till i
die!i can't think of anything bad enough to call you.
(Ashley leaves,Scarlett throws a vase to the wall in anger)

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