早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享





     Henry is a little fatter than he wants to be. He __1__ to lose weight ( 减肥 ). So he is on the diet ( 节食 ). He tries not to eat junk food and he eats __2_ meat. Because meat will make him fat. He doesn’t __3__ up late at night now because he keeps getting up early in the morning to play sports. He usually spends an hour __4__ in the river or two hours running in the park. Now he is __5_ than before. Henry’s sister Susan is healthier than Henry. __6__ is younger than he. She does _7_ every day too. She doesn’t eat much meat. But she eats __8__ of fruit and __9__ because she thinks they are good _10__ her.

1.__________ 2. ___________3.___________ 4.__________5.__________

6.__________ 7.____________8.___________9._________ 10.__________

1.wants/decides  2.little  3.stay   4.swimming   5.thinner 6.She   7.sports/exercise  8. lots  9. vegetables  10.for

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