早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享




第一节:情景反应(每小题1 . 5分,共9分)


1.A.It’s Friday

B.It’s eight o’clock

C.It’s June 12

2.A.With her parents

B.sorry I don’t know

C.It’s cold here.

3.A.It doesn’t matter.

B.That’s nothing

C.No problem.

4.A.Never mind.

B.Sorry to hear that.

C.Much better

5.A.Oh wonderful indeed.

B.By taking a No.3 bus.

C.I went there alone.

6.A.50 yuan

B.Yes I’ll take it.

C.No thank you.

第二节:对话理解(每小题1 . 5分,共6分)


7.A.By bus.

B.By bike.

C.On foot.

8.A.At 8∶05.

B.At 8∶10.

C.At 8∶15.

9.A.A teacher

B.A doctor

C.A saleswoman

10.A.To the teaching building.

B.To the library.

C.To the computer room.

11.A.On Tuesday.

B.On Wednesday.

C.On Thursday.

12.A.Everyone can work out the problem.

B.Jim is good at math.

C.Nobody can work out the problem.

第三节:短文理解(每小题1 . 5分,共12分)


Passage A

13.The old man lives ________.

A.in a small town far from the city.

B.n a small village near the city

C.in a small village far from the city

14.He felt ________ after visiting the city.




15.The old man wanted to bring his wife to the lift next time because he wanted his wife ________.

A.to visit the city

B.to become a young girl

C.to live in the tall building with him.

16.The old man decided to visit the city because ________.

A.He wanted to live in the city.

B.someone had told him that the city had some interesting things

C.he wanted to visit the tall building.

Passage B

17.The story happened ________.

A.in the evening

B.in the afternoon

C.in the morning

18.Jim drew ________ on the wall.


B.a man

C.a tree

19.Jim was happy because the teacher ________.

A.liked him

B.touched his head

C.didn’t find what he drew

20.The drawing was ________ at last.

A.on Jim’s back

B.on the wall

C.on the blackboard

答案:A;A;C;C;A;A;C;A;B;B;C;B;C;B;B;B;C;B;C;A解析:   听力材料:   第一节:情景反应(每小题1 . 5分,共9分)   听一遍。根据你所听到的句子,从ABC三个选项中选出最恰当的答案。 ...

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