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“我是正方辩手”怎么用英语说 如果能用英文再给我写一点一辩手论点,和四辩手总结的话那就更好了 正方观点是“性格是由先天决定的”
I am a square estimated participant 我是正方辩手 Who am I? Many people would without hesitation replied: "I am born parents." Yes, you are born to your parents, but parents are born only of your body, in which what "I" is not a copy of your parents -- - If you are a copy of your parents, you should be the same with your parents, and, since the child is a parent's copy, then all the brothers and sisters should be the same, but in fact, your personality and way of thinking is not necessarily with your parents, sisters the same, or even different. Why? Just because you're body in which "I" is an independent, not a copy. Your body is Yousheng have destroy, and that only I's; while your body in which "I" is no life eternal, there is the past, present and future III. This inherent "I" is the Buddhist word "alaya" that is "possession of knowledge", "knowledge seed", "the eighth consciousness." It is this "alaya", like seeds, like a person's past life carrying the "industry" (equivalent to a variety of genes) came to this world, in the injection of a new "industry is coping with" (ie, due to environmental impact and itself as the injection of new genes), the further movement of the afterlife. Can be seen that the chain link of life is not never, just as, like water rolling. In fact, everything in the universe (big to a variety of celestial bodies, small to a variety of elements) are iterative and evolving, life is no exception?

将能言善辩、了如指掌、完好无损、不惜代价、雅俗共赏选其中三个写一段话语文练习纸里的第五题:将能言善辩  2020-03-30 …

竞争比合作更重要的辩论论点我参加一个辩论赛,是反方一辩,也就是支持竞争大于合作的观点,我更需要的是论  2020-03-31 …

辩论题:去往哪里比来自哪里更重要请列出一些一辩提纲,很着急的,周日就要比赛了!就是想问下这个命题怎  2020-04-25 …

《二十四孝图》从其实人禽之辨,本不必这样严到——辩—辩了,这段文字中表现了作者怎样的思想感情?  2020-04-27 …

世界万物瞬息万变,就像流动的河水,人是不能两次同时踏入同一条河流.这句话表达了什么样的哲学观点?是  2020-05-16 …

科技发展利大的事例 辩论词大哥大姐!快帮我!有什么新的事例和辩论词就赶快写!我不要在百度里千篇一律  2020-05-17 …

谁知道关于战争弊大于利的例子,辩论稿?如果能告诉我怎么辩倒众人的话,那就更好啦 不要是抄的,莪对那  2020-05-17 …

谁能给我写一句话,[我长大了]大神们帮帮忙描数我成长了,如:是啊,在.我长大了.  2020-06-05 …

关于高中晚自习该不该讨论的辩论赛我是正方,反对讨论支持安静,请问怎么辩论?有什么可以说的?请赐教了  2020-06-10 …

不小于一4的负整数有几个(问题:这对我来说太重要了.如是或不是,请给个理由好吗,  2020-06-11 …