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Party Popper这是什么意思?这个东西属于哪个类别?
这个东西属于哪个类别的,比如Other Lights & Lighting Products   >>   Lights & Lighting 其他灯光及照明产品>>灯具和照明    Other Gifts & Crafts   >>   Gifts & Crafts - 其他礼品,工艺品>>礼品,工艺品  Home Decor   >>   Furniture & Furnishings  - 家居装饰>>家具及家饰  - Explosive   >>   Chemicals  - 爆炸>>化学品
Party popper = confettiI'd try and find it in the recreation aisle,or it could be in either gift/craft or home decor section as well.If it is something that pops or shoots off of a cannon,as some conf...