早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
"At the night before the festival,the square is especially beautiful- decorated with lights shining like jewels.Entering the square,the first thing which come into your eyes and catches your sight is the unique and huge christmas tree.Behind it is a skating rink,on which many girls and boys are skating and circling freely around and around.The whole square is immersed in a festival atmosphere."
"strolling on the Time Square at night,the first things that greet you is those gorgeous,bright-colored and twinkling spectacular signs.And then there are bustling and flowing crowd.The street looks modern."
"Having a seat on the davenport in the Central Park and facing upward the blue sky and white clouds,you just feel that your heart is as peaceful as the beautiful sky"
"strolling on the Time Square at night,the first things that greet you is those gorgeous,bright-colored and twinkling spectacular signs.And then there are bustling and flowing crowd.The street looks modern."
"Having a seat on the davenport in the Central Park and facing upward the blue sky and white clouds,you just feel that your heart is as peaceful as the beautiful sky"
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问一个数学题在一次英语口语比赛中,小明,小伟和小亮三个人的平均分是90分,小明和小伟的平均成绩比小 2020-04-11 …
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在一次“cctv”杯英语口语比赛中,小明,小伟,小亮三人平均分时90分,小明和小伟的平均成绩比小亮 2020-05-20 …
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