早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


请各位大哥大姐帮忙修改一下英语简历 100分!
Work Experience
2010/3--2010/3:Novo Nordisk in China(>500 people )
After Sale-service Department Part Time
*Contacted with almost 500 patients and clients for serving the after sale-service and collecting the feedback of our product
*To be the top sale in my team,due to the fact that nearly 60 peaple agree to persent in our activity
2007/7--2007/9:the Second People Hospital of Guangzhou
Industry:Healthcare/Medicine/Public Health
Logistics Department Trainee
*Analysed the data of the epileptic in the hospital.Draw a conclusion that which decisive factor effect the incidence of a disease
Practical Experience
2010/3--2010/3 Translation of the Pharmacological Document
*Helped the teacher to translate the Pharmacological Document for the experiment
2008/10--2008/10 Performance Team Leader for the Lazar-house
*Organized and take part in the performance for the Leprosy patients
*Communicated with the 50 patients and inspire them
2007/9--2008/8 Master of the Evening Party
*Master of the evening party which hold 300 students
*responsed for the instant event perfectly
Leadership Position
2007/9--2009/9 Commissary in Charge of Studies in Class *Cooperate in harmony between the students and the teacher
*Made of the “Win-Win”between a student and a teacher for the absence of the final examination
2007/9--2009/9 The Minister of The Culture and Entertainment Department
*Organized the music party that accommodate 1000 students.
*Helped to prepare the organization of two evening parties which can hole 1000 students
*To be the leader of the crisis team of our college for handling the problem which take place in the party
Here,I just checked the grammar and some terms.Some paragraph I did not get,and I changed it as I understood or leave it as it is.The resume's style should match to the company you apply for.Good luck...

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