早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
请全文翻译 正确率高的 我会考虑再加分 机器翻译的不要浪费体力
It will make some time to analyze all CV's I have received and until our customer have reviewed the CV' as well.
To make it easier for the customer I provide them standardized Cv’s in more or less the same way and outfit.
Especially I am looking for a summary of yourself,which describes you in a couple of words.
Attached you will find a template in which describes more.Please send me a short summary of yourself.I need the summary as soon as possible.
Don’t worry about the CV information below,only if it’s possible to re-arrange your CV in a very short time,please copy your details in the attached template.
Those who survive are not the most intelligent nor the strongest,
but those who adapt to change best.
请全文翻译 正确率高的 我会考虑再加分 机器翻译的不要浪费体力
It will make some time to analyze all CV's I have received and until our customer have reviewed the CV' as well.
To make it easier for the customer I provide them standardized Cv’s in more or less the same way and outfit.
Especially I am looking for a summary of yourself,which describes you in a couple of words.
Attached you will find a template in which describes more.Please send me a short summary of yourself.I need the summary as soon as possible.
Don’t worry about the CV information below,only if it’s possible to re-arrange your CV in a very short time,please copy your details in the attached template.
Those who survive are not the most intelligent nor the strongest,
but those who adapt to change best.
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