早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
A young man could not sleep well and suffered a lot.He went to the doctor's and the doctor told him to count from one to ten again and again.“Keep doing it till you fall asleep,”the doctor said.
A few days later,the young man went to the doctor again.But to his surprise,the doctor saw the young man was worse than before.
“Didn't you do as I told you?”the doctor asked.
“Yes,I did,”the young man said.“But every time when I counted to einht,I could not help jumping from the bed.”
“But,why?”the doctor asked amazedly.
“I am a boxer!”the young man replied
A young man could not sleep well and suffered a lot.He went to the doctor's and the doctor told him to count from one to ten again and again.“Keep doing it till you fall asleep,”the doctor said.
A few days later,the young man went to the doctor again.But to his surprise,the doctor saw the young man was worse than before.
“Didn't you do as I told you?”the doctor asked.
“Yes,I did,”the young man said.“But every time when I counted to einht,I could not help jumping from the bed.”
“But,why?”the doctor asked amazedly.
“I am a boxer!”the young man replied
A doctor was once teaching a medical student at a famous hospital in Edinburgh.Some men took a sick man in,and the doctor asked the student.
“What's wrong with this man?”
“I don't know,sir,”the student answered,“Shall I examine him and find out it?”
“There's no need to examine him,”answered the doctor.“You should know without asking questions,He hurt his right knee.Didn't you see the way he walked?He hurt it in the fire.You see his trouble leg is burnt away at the knee.This is Monday morning.Yesterday was fine,but on Saturday the roads were wet and muddy.The man fell down on Saturday night.”
The doctor the asked the sick man,“You got your pay on Saturday and went to a pub and drank too much.You got wet and muddy on the way home.Because you drank too much and you fell on the fire and burnt your knee.Is that right?”
“Yes,sir,”said the man.
“What's wrong with this man?”
“I don't know,sir,”the student answered,“Shall I examine him and find out it?”
“There's no need to examine him,”answered the doctor.“You should know without asking questions,He hurt his right knee.Didn't you see the way he walked?He hurt it in the fire.You see his trouble leg is burnt away at the knee.This is Monday morning.Yesterday was fine,but on Saturday the roads were wet and muddy.The man fell down on Saturday night.”
The doctor the asked the sick man,“You got your pay on Saturday and went to a pub and drank too much.You got wet and muddy on the way home.Because you drank too much and you fell on the fire and burnt your knee.Is that right?”
“Yes,sir,”said the man.
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