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My daily schedule in college
Everything was changed since I became a college student.By contrast with time in middle
school,the time in college is rather happy,which because the number of lessons in college
is certainly less than that of in middle school.Hanover,it doesn't mean that we can play
everyday in college.There is not any teacher in college who would care your score of
lessons.Therefore,we should regulate our free time reasonably.
As for me,To learn for the better,I often go to the library when I don't have lessons
in the morning or in the afternoon.In addition,having bought a guitar at the beginning of
college,I play guitar from time to time.Furthermore,I attended the students union to
exercise myself.
In a word,there aren't many lessons in the college by contrast with that in middle
school,but we should arrange our lives effectively.
My daily schedule in college
Everything has been changed since I became a college student.By contrast with the time in middle school,the time in college is rather delightful because the number of lessons in college is certainly less than that of in middle school.However,it doesn't mean that we can hang out everyday in college.No teacher in college would take care of our scores.Therefore,we have to schedule our free time reasonably.
As for me,to become better,I often go to the library when I don't have lessons.In addition,buying a guitar at the beginning of college,I play guitar from time to time.Furthermore,I attended the students union to train myself.
In a word,there aren't many lessons in the college as in middle school,but we should arrange our lives rationally.

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