早教吧作业答案频道 -->其他-->
Lots of people who are ready for going to a new country thought everything is going to be perfect there and the countries which they pursuit have excellent environmental conditions and comfortable living neighborhoods.Many Chinese people who want to immigrate to the US would rather give up their perfect jobs than coming to the US to get restaurant jobs.After they got to the US,they may be disappointed and would still describe the US as perfect as they could to their friends who have not come to the US.In fact,they were unsatisfied about what they have been treated by the US.As Kang says,“newcomers need orientation before they leave their country as well as when they arrive in the US.” Of course,everyone has their own rights to choose their own way of life,we can’t judge them if they are wrong or right.
Speaking of the US,it has excellent natural resources,perfect educations and more job opportunities.As a young student,we can see the differences between China and the US.From all aspects,the US is a lot better than China.There is a saying along Chinese,if you are young,the US is a perfect place for you,but if you are old,the US is hell for you.Which means young people get used to new things very fast ,but older people have language barrier so they can’t really get into the society.
Lots of people who are ready for going to a new country thought everything is going to be perfect there and the countries which they pursuit have excellent environmental conditions and comfortable living neighborhoods.Many Chinese people who want to immigrate to the US would rather give up their perfect jobs than coming to the US to get restaurant jobs.After they got to the US,they may be disappointed and would still describe the US as perfect as they could to their friends who have not come to the US.In fact,they were unsatisfied about what they have been treated by the US.As Kang says,“newcomers need orientation before they leave their country as well as when they arrive in the US.” Of course,everyone has their own rights to choose their own way of life,we can’t judge them if they are wrong or right.
Speaking of the US,it has excellent natural resources,perfect educations and more job opportunities.As a young student,we can see the differences between China and the US.From all aspects,the US is a lot better than China.There is a saying along Chinese,if you are young,the US is a perfect place for you,but if you are old,the US is hell for you.Which means young people get used to new things very fast ,but older people have language barrier so they can’t really get into the society.
thought everything改成think everything
coming to the US 改成come前面用的就是give
if they are wrong or right改成whether they are wrong or right
perfect educations 把s去掉,教育是抽象名词,没有复数
a lot better than改成much better than
is hell for you改成is a hell for you
but older people 改成old people就可以
coming to the US 改成come前面用的就是give
if they are wrong or right改成whether they are wrong or right
perfect educations 把s去掉,教育是抽象名词,没有复数
a lot better than改成much better than
is hell for you改成is a hell for you
but older people 改成old people就可以
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