Does anyone still hope to be a gentleman ? There are only select occasions when one is still addressed as a gentleman , and they are remarkable for their variety and irony( 讽刺 ) . We are “Ladies and Gentlemen” at the start of wedding toasts and the acts of oldschool comedians.Should the modern man give up the idea of the gentleman?
We can find two very different champions of the idea of a gentleman settling on the same point.Oscar Wilde , always precise of phrase , noted “the true gentleman is one who is never unintentionally rude” . Much of life is the manners of everyday getting along ; queuing , answering the phone , making plans , keeping promises , remembering birthdays.We can agree with Wilde that in all these , not being rude is a true—and gentlemanly—mark of success.This he shares with American Civil War general , Robert E . Lee.Found in Lee's papers after his death was a discussion of the gentleman in which he noted “The gentleman does not needlessly and unnecessarily remind an offender of a wrong he may have committed against him.He cannot only forgive , he can forget.” Yet , both the military man and the writer bring the same thought into their definitions.For Wilde , the gentleman may cause intentional rudeness ; for Lee , he may necessarily remind an offender of a wrong.
The gentleman knows when to forgive , and when to not , when to make peace and when to face up to—even at the risk of rudeness.It is this wisdom that is worth reflecting upon.The gentleman is more than a bowler hat , a social class , or an oldfashioned title.It is a way of life.To be a gentleman is to be polite , but not passive; to be graceful , but with bravery.Within the gentleman's elegant velvet( 天鹅绒 ) glove can be found an iron fist.
1.address 2.abandon 3.intention
4.success 5.remind
6 . forgiven 7.necessary 8.time 9.Wise 10.politeness
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